Make Awesome Release - AIEJam 2022

Hello hello again!

Team Nova is back (with some wonderful new members), and after an intense 48-hour game jam hosted by the AIE, we're very proud to have produced and released a new and exciting little game, Make Awesome!

Made in Unreal Engine 4 in two days, our theme for the game jam was Game Development (yes yes, how meta teehee). Make Awesome is a first-person movement shooter where you're small, you go fast, and shoot things to make them awesome. Wall run, mine jump, and hop around a giant kitchen and use your Make Awesome Gun to fill in and finalise the assets in the scene, from blockout to textured. Be sure to cleanse any corrupted, glitchy assets that might appear in the scene, as they can easily spread across the level and revert your progress!

The team would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the game, so give it a play!

Files 218 MB
Dec 14, 2022

Get Make Awesome

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